Everything that is ordered soon becomes disordered, yet when there are instructions to maintain balance at the molecular level, the elements return to their natural state. This is the essence of Epigenetic Balance.
Epigenetics means beyond genetics. Genetics is the science that studies our genes. Our genes form proteins, and these in turn produce our entire body. Therefore, everything you see, feel, and don’t see or feel in your body, is made of proteins. Proteins contain chains of amino acids that have been forming since day zero of your life, through a stem cell that duplicated into two daughter cells in less than twenty-four hours. One of these two identical cells became a new stem cell, and the other evolved into a cell to form our body.
By the fifth day of your life, you already had about a hundred cells duplicating and developing four types of tissues (Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous) that grouped together to form hollow and solid organs, which also grouped together to form twelve systems (Cardiovascular, Digestive, Respiratory, etc.). Inside most of your cells is a nucleus, and within this, your DNA. Your DNA is made up of twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, where your genes inherited from your biological father and mother are located. Your genes are segments of your DNA formed by the sequence of four letters: A, T, C, and G.
Normally, these letters pair (combine) with another specific one to create similar segments that develop the content of each new cell. An A letter always combines with a T letter. And the C letter combines with the G letter, and vice versa. This last process is carried out with great precision over six to eight hours, and that is why we call it our molecular machine at the cellular level. When despite all controls, these letters combine with an unexpected or incompatible one, a variant (mutation) arises that often does not produce known problems, but other times, leads to an alteration in our appearance, functioning, and causes multiple diseases.
Depending on the number of variants that are activated at a given moment in our existence, so will be the risks we have for the manifestation of alterations, diseases, and we might even not be born alive or even, die prematurely. If we inherit our DNA from our parents, our children will inherit ours, and sometimes variants appear suddenly without any family history, and this condition is called de novo variants or mutations. Everything you see in the following image developed and develops, thanks to what has been previously explained. By applying all this knowledge, in the form of a protocol, as a set of tasks to follow in order not to forget, the diseases that you present or will present at some time in your life, will not be forever. Those white spots on your skin that make you the target of many indiscreet glances will no longer appear, and those that have already appeared, will disappear. Just like the pains, allergies, and all those things that are not compatible with a good quality of life, those things, will not be forever if we apply this superior knowledge. Normally to receive the guidance of a good doctor, you have to make an appointment, move to his office, follow his advice. Now the reach is much greater, without leaving your home, and in your own country, via messenger or WhatsApp you receive the instructions to follow, with great precision, look at an example. For three days you are going to eat soups with the following ingredients and I explain which ingredients you should include. In two or three days from starting your desensitization plan, you will perceive a sensation of well-being that is only felt when enjoying an excellent state of health at the cellular level. The changes you will perceive are directly proportional to your need, when you are somewhat altered you will notice some changes, when you are less or more altered, then the changes will be less or more noticeable, depending on your condition.
You just have to follow the direct instructions that I give you via messenger or WhatsApp or telegram. You choose the day and time on calendly dot com, slash jose moya. Try it now!. Generally, it takes me about fifteen minutes to guide you, when many ask for help at the same time, calendly places them in the order of arrival so that they do not coincide. You may have to wait a bit and that's not a problem. Remember, to be born it takes us nine months, to walk, several months, to get a driver's license, seventeen years, and to become older, a whole life. So, waiting is not a problem, when I have your data registered in my calendar, it's a matter of minutes. However, the well-being we will achieve is for a lifetime.
Everyone is included. If your health status is very unbalanced it will take us more time and more resources, which will appear, because what we all know is that no one, absolutely no one, wants to have limitations all their life. Visit now, the following link and reserve your space, which is in turn, a window of opportunity that should not be closed, because we are going to optimize your health from how it is at this moment. It's win-win. I am Dr. Moya, and I am responsible for this information that I share with you. I review my calendar, to meet you, very soon.
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