Episode #2:
When do you suspect that boys and girls have Autism Spectrum Disorder? I will explain it in this video. As a reminder, in the previous episode, I talked about the red flags, which mean signs, such as the following: Some children seem normal before reaching one or two years of age. Then they suddenly lose the language or social skills they had acquired. Another sign I want to highlight because it is evident, is: refusing to wear "itchy" clothes and being upset if forced to wear them. I also mentioned that in other episodes I would talk about various problems to keep in mind. And that's what I'm doing in this video. This new episode includes new signs to consider. A fundamental problem is not being able to communicate properly. Communication problems can include: Being unable to start or maintain a conversation. That is, not only do they have difficulty initiating it because they are shy and then being good at carrying it on, but also being unable to maintain a conversation. Using gestures instead of words. Due to the same difficulty in speaking, they gesticulate when trying to communicate verbally. An important sign is when they start talking, they develop language slowly or never develop it. Not adjusting their gaze to look at objects that others are looking at, is an evident comparison that is repeated and is notable for its frequency. But in these cases, parents need to be well informed to notice it in time. Not referring to themselves correctly (for example, saying, "Do you want water?" when they mean "I want water") is something that should also alert us. During the first years of life, our children develop progressive skills such as grabbing objects with all fingers at once, then with only the index finger and thumb. We generally see these details along the way, but other details are expected in due time, it is the trained examiner or the well-informed parent who realizes that it is something they should expect their child to do. Pay attention, it is the fact of Not pointing to show objects to other people (normally occurs in the first fourteen months of life). Another unusual sign that should alert us to autism spectrum disorder is when young children Repeat words or memorize passages, like commercials. This is part of their selective focus on details and the great selective memory they develop from a very young age. And once again. What should you do? Visit your pediatrician immediately and ask for help. You might also benefit from subscribing as a member to the AAHHOO television and video-on-demand channel, and in the tutorials category, you will learn how to achieve things on your own because you understand them much better. There are many other signs, classified in other important human development events, such as Social interaction problems. Problems responding to sensory information. Problems related to play. And Behavior problems. The causes of all this disorder and the important genetic findings allow us to know in advance everything that can happen before it does and allows us to assist the pediatrician from the moment we suspect it.
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